I have a positive view about politics within the organisation.
I know where power lies within the organisation.
I maintain relationships with influential people.
I am known as a ‘go-to’ person.
I am valued for my connections.
I actively manage perceptions about my reputation.
I can articulate my ‘who I am’ story and personal brand.
I understand different communication styles.
I view office politics negatively and wish it would go away.
I know how to leverage the formal company network.
I know how to leverage informal company networks.
I know how to enlist support for my/team’s ideas.
I actively build relationships.
I usually know what is being said about me (when I’m not in the room).
I understand the link between communication styles and its impact on others.
I know who and where the resisters or fence sitters are.
I am able to manage supporters, fence sitters, and resisters equally well.
I know how to read the nuances (unwritten rules) of the organisation.
I know how to get ahead; the organisation has a clear and transparent process for career advancement.
I test my assumptions of non-verbal communication with diverse groups.
I understand and use the positive impact of sharing achievements (mine/my team’s).
I know exactly who and where my supporters and advocates are.
I understand how the organisation makes decisions.
I know who and where the decision makers are.
I am an active participant in all relevant corporate meetings and events.
I know what steps to take in order to change perceptions (mine/my team’s).
I check my assumptions with others before responding or taking action.
I am comfortable using firm language and reflective questioning for clarification.
I understand the organisational culture and how things get done.
I actively seek out influential members of networks, teams or groups for conversation and idea-sharing.
I am able to comfortably challenge members of influential groups.
I participate in cross-organisational or functional teams, projects, and meetings.
I can see the links between perceptions, leadership and career.
I understand the factors that influence other’s perception of me and my team.
I actively promote my team’s achievements.
I actively engage various influence networks to verify assumptions.
I know my communication style preference as well as the corporate style preference.
I use ethical behind-the-scenes lobbying to gain alignment and support.
I build relationships equally – up, down, and across the organisation.
I am comfortable building relationships with stakeholders outside the organisation.
I know how to achieve “buy-in” from others for my ideas and agendas.
I maintain a healthy balance between “telling my story” and listening to others.
I know whom to seek out for different viewpoints in order to clarify assumptions.
I am comfortable flexing my style when necessary to achieve results.
I view political savvy as a critical leadership skill and can mentor political savvy to my peers and staff.
I am frequently asked for my opinion.
I know how to navigate organisational change.
I adjust my delivery and pitch to match the audience and stakeholders.
I pay close attention to any changes in relationships within the organisation.
I know how to manage multiple stakeholders and complex relationships.
I manage disagreements well and am able to diplomatically raise difficult issues.
I am known as a problem solver.
I can negotiate within and across multiple networks, internally and externally.
I maintain a healthy balance between knowing when to be humble or quiet and when to discuss achievements and impact.
I am viewed as an expert.